Month December 2011

How to Cope up with Autistic Children Behaviors

There are two different factors that result in autism. Autism is either due to a psychological chaos or due to a bio-chemical disproportion. Children affected with autism rarely speak and only commune when necessary. So they hardy socialize. Autism disorder… Continue Reading →

How Autistic Children Can Be Taught Self Control

Autistic children have violent behavior of banging their heads or being aggressive towards others. Control these outbursts with the help of self discipline. This when induced slowly but effectively will help to get a control over these disturbing behaviors. Self… Continue Reading →

How Autism can be Detected from Childhood

Autism begins in the early stages of childhood and detected by three years of age. It differs from person to person from mild disorder to severe ones. When a child reacts peculiarly to light or sound it means they are… Continue Reading →

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