Month June 2007

The Primary Duty of Parents in Autism Education

Every parent will put forth all their efforts to see their children groomed into a self-sufficient adult. In fact, it is the primary duty of the parents to shape their children’s behaviour and growth to reach the long-term goal. The… Continue Reading →

Influencing Factors of an Autism Diet

Modern medical science is yet to give us the exact reason that causes autism and it is yet to give a cure. However, many associations, parents and voluntary organisations are collecting information in order to understand the disorder better and… Continue Reading →

Infantile Autism – Not to be Regarded as Disability

Autism is a neurological disorder that severely impairs social skills in a person and autism normally afflicts persons within the first three years of life. When it comes to infantile autism it is said that one in every 1000 children… Continue Reading →

Finding and Understanding Information on Autism in Its Own Perspective

When you are in need of some information, then internet may be your natural choice. Like any other topics, internet does have a lot of information about autism disorder also. Searches made through any search engine such as google for… Continue Reading →

Defeat Autism Now, Lest You Cannot Do it Later

The mindset of the parents of autistic children will be disgusting and the harsh fact of non-existence of any cure can further add to their woes. The parents of the autistic children have to necessarily depend on treatments or therapies… Continue Reading →

Creating Autism Awareness Through Autism Bracelet

When it comes to making things happen or to make a statement, then you can think of wearing special ear-studs, necklaces and rings that can kindle interests in others and help in making a statement. Further, such type of things… Continue Reading →

Characteristics of High Functioning Autism

Autism is a neurological development disorder that triggers a series of behavioural maladies such as impairment in social skills, impairment in language learning and communication abilities. Autism afflicted children normally avoid eye contacts with adults including their parents and would… Continue Reading →

Chelation Therapy for Autism – Are We in the Right Path

Parents of autistic children will become desperate in their search for an effective cure of the autism in their child. The situation will turn to be more traumatic when they come to know that there is no cure for autism… Continue Reading →

Being Aware Of Autism – Your Starting Point Towards Helping Others

Want to have a perfect solution for your problem? First acknowledge it and you have put your best foot forward in finding the solution! In other words, the moment you recognise your problem, you will be able to find a… Continue Reading →

Autism Support Groups and Its Important Roles

Managing autism and autistic people will be very demanding and will drain all the energies from the parents and the caretakers. You can make your job of managing autism little bit easy if you have awareness and know what to… Continue Reading →

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