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Behavioral disorders are complex and autistic and vary in degrees of disability. Autism in some cases totally shuts him off in his own world of dreams and imagination while in others it displays very angry and violent tendencies. Others though affected with behavioral issues earlier, have had help and training to cope with their work and social environment beautifully.

The hub of all these basic disorder is interacting and communicating with others. Though all are subject to treatment, there is no real sure as such. An autistic child faces the challenge and progress in coping with it but has to face it all through his life.

A few terms differentiate the different degrees of autistic behavior. They are high or low functioning autistic like or having autistic tendencies. In other words two children diagnosed as autistic exhibit very different functional abilities though their symptoms vary. They have to cope up with a higher sensitivity to the sights smells and sounds surrounding us, the aroma of food or the touch and feel of certain objects. But for a few autistic children they may be painful. This is because of the brain s disability in coordinating and integrating their senses input correctly.

Careful observation helps us to understand better their negative reactions and explore how to bring them down. Living with autism requires regular, consistent and safe routine. Caretaker should plan ahead for any variance in their routine. Anticipating resistance he should slowly and steadily prepare them for the forthcoming change repeatedly and warmly assuring them. They react well to a physical representation ahead of them if the plan shown in a picture. A calendar with a marked date can engage them in marking the days off. This can build acceptance or anticipation for the event.

Autistic children may appear to talk at people rather than talk to others in spite of their problems in communicating with others. They do not respond to the inputs of others. They need assistance to improve in this area to contact their kith and kin and environment. This requires much patience and understanding. The parents biggest gift for their autistic children is their un conditional love. In spite of their unresponsive nature and emotional vacuum, they are similar to others and deserve our unquestioned love. They would also like to return our love.